About IT Service


Our goal is to close the technological generation gap between young adults and older adults. We would love for others at IUPUI to have their students learn about issues facing older adults and help older adults stay updated with current technology and get help with their devices. There is a huge need for older adults to have access to technology. We hope to get more older adults interested in learning about technology and create a community where older aldults are comfortable using technology.


IT Service began in the spring of 2015. It all started when the advisory council for Computer Information Technology at IUPUI mentioned that the students had excellent technology skills, but lacked some of the soft skills necessary in their careers. At this same time, Ms. Sally Catlin who is currently the head of IT service was working with a local senior center, Heritage Place. They had laptops, but no one to teach technology classes. It seemed a great opportunity for IUPUI students and for Heritage Place members. The program manager, Kim Teague,  at the time was thrilled with the idea and very supportive.


Office: (317) 278-9029
[email protected]


799 W Michigan St, ET 301M

Indianapolis, IN 46202

